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Cleopatra — Complete Page 4
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Page 4
"The lad is in an evil plight," said Gorgias, shaking his headthoughtfully as the equipage rolled over the stone pavement of theStreet of the King.
"And over yonder," added Dion, "the prospect is equally unpleasing.Philostratus is setting the people crazy. But the hired mischief-makerwill soon wish he had been less ready to seize Iras's gold coins."
"And to think," cried the architect, "that Barine was this scoundrel'swife! How could it--"
"She was but a child when they married her," interrupted Dion."Who consults a girl of fifteen in the choice of a husband? AndPhilostratus--he was my classmate at Rhodus--at that time had thefairest prospects. His brother Alexas, Antony's favourite, could easilyadvance him. Barine's father was dead, her mother was accustomed tofollow Didymus's counsel, and the clever fellow had managed tostrew dust in the old man's eyes. Long and lank as he is, he is notbad-looking even now.
"When he appeared as an orator he pleased his hearers. This turned hishead, and a spendthrift's blood runs in his veins. To bring his fairyoung bride to a stately mansion, he undertook the bad cause of thethievish tax-collector Pyrrhus, and cleared him."
"He bought a dozen false witnesses."
"There were sixteen. Afterwards they became as numerous as the openmouths you see shouting yonder. It is time to silence them. Go to theold man's house and soothe him--Barine also, if she is there. If youfind messengers from the Regent, raise objections to the unprecedenteddecree. You know the portions of the law which can be turned toDidymus's advantage."
"Since the reign of Euergetes II, registered landed property has beenunassailable, and his was recorded."
"So much the better. Tell the officials also, confidentially, that youknow of objections just discovered which may perhaps change the Regent'sviews."
"And, above all, I shall insist upon my right to choose the place forthe twin statues. The Queen herself directed the others to heed myopinion."
"That will cast the heaviest weight into the scale. We shall meet later.You will prefer to keep away from Barine to-night. If you see her, tellher that Archibius said he would visit her later--for an object I willexplain afterwards. I shall probably go to Iras to bring her to reason.It will be better not to mention Caesarion's wish."
"Certainly--and you will give nothing to yonder brawler."
"On the contrary. I feel very generous. If Peitho will aid me, theinsatiate fellow will get more than may be agreeable to him."
Then grasping the architect's hand, Dion forced his way through thethrong surrounding the high platform on wheels, upon which the closelycovered piece of sculpture had been rolled up. The gate of the scholar'shouse stood open, for an officer in the Regent's service had reallyentered a short time before, but the Scythian guards sent by theexegetus Demetrius, one of Barine's friends, were keeping back thethrong of curious spectators.
Their commander knew Gorgias, and he was soon standing in the impluviumof the scholar's house, an oblong, rootless space, with a fountain inthe centre, whose spray moistened the circular bed of flowers around it.The old slave had just lighted some three-branched lamps which burned ontall stands. The officers sent by the Regent to inform Didymus that hisgarden would be converted into a public square had just arrived.
When Gorgias entered, these magistrates, their clerks, and the witnessesaccompanying them--a group of twenty men, at whose head was Apollonius,a distinguished officer of the royal treasury--were in the house. Theslave who admitted the architect informed him of it.
In the atrium a young girl, doubtless a member of the household, stoppedhim. He was not mistaken in supposing that she was Helena, Didymus'syounger granddaughter, of whom Barine had spoken. True, she resembledher sister neither in face nor figure, for while the young matron's hairwas fair and waving, the young girl's thick black tresses were woundaround her head in a smooth braid. Very unlike Barine's voice, too, werethe deep, earnest tones trembling with emotion, in which she confrontedhim with the brief question, concealing a faint reproach, "Anotherdemand?"
After first ascertaining that he was really speaking to Helena, hisfriend's sister, he hastily told her his name, adding that, on thecontrary, he had come to protect her grandfather from a seriousmisfortune.
When his glance first rested upon her in the dimly lighted room, theimpression she made upon him was by no means favourable. The pure brow,which seemed to him too high for a woman's face, wore an indignantfrown; and though her mouth was beautiful in form, its outlines wereoften marred by a passionate tremor that lent the exquisitely chiselledfeatures a harsh, nay, bitter expression. But she had scarcely heard themotive of his presence ere, pressing her hand upon her bosom with a sighof relief, she eagerly exclaimed:
"Oh, do what you can to avert this terrible deed! No one knows how theold man loves this house. And my grandmother! They will die if it istaken from them."
Her large eyes rested upon him with a warm, imploring light; and thestern, almost repellent voice thrilled with love for her relatives. Hemust lend his aid here, and how gladly he would do so! He assured her ofthis; and Helena, who had heard him mentioned as a man of ability, sawin him a helper in need, and begged him, with touching fervour, to showher grandfather, when he came before the officers, that all was notlost.
The astonished architect asked if Didymus did not know what wasimpending, and Helena hastily replied:
"He is working in the summer-house by the sea. Apollonius is akind-hearted man, and will wait until I have prepared my grandfather. Imust go to him. He has already sent Philotas--his pupil, who finds andunrolls his books--a dozen times to inquire the cause of the tumultoutside; but I replied that the crowds were flocking to the harbour onaccount of the Queen. There is often a mob shouting madly; but nothingdisturbs my grandfather when he is absorbed in his work; and hispupil--a young student from Amphissa--loves him and does what I bidhim. My grandmother, too, knows nothing yet. She is deaf, and the femaleslaves dare not tell her. After her recent attack of giddiness, thedoctor said that any sudden shock might injure her. If only I can findthe right words, that my grandfather may not be too sorely hurt!"
"Shall I accompany you?" asked Gorgias kindly.
"No," she answered hurriedly. "He needs time ere he will truststrangers. Only, if Apollonius discloses the terrible truth, and hisgrief threatens to overpower him, comfort him, and show him that westill have friends who are ready to protect us from such disaster."
She waved her hand in token of gratitude, and hurried through the littleside gate into the garden. Gorgias looked after her with sparkling eyes,and drew a long breath. How good this girl must be, how wisely she caredfor her relatives! How energetically the young creature behaved! Hehad seen his new acquaintance only in the dim light, but she mustbe beautiful. Her eyes, lips, and hair certainly were. How his heartthrobbed as he asked himself the question whether this young girl,who was endowed with every gift which constituted the true worthof womanhood, was not preferable to her more attractive sisterBarine!--when the thought darted through his mind that he had cause tobe grateful to the beard which covered his chin and cheeks, for he feltthat he, a sedate, mature man, must have blushed. And he knew why. Onlyhalf an hour before he had felt and admitted to Dion that he consideredBarine the most desirable of women, and now another's image cast adeep shadow over hers and filled his heart with new, perhaps strongeremotions.
He had had similar experiences only too often, and his friends, Dion attheir head, had perceived his weakness and spoiled many an hour forhim by their biting jests. The series of tall and short, fair and darkbeauties who had fired his fancy was indeed of considerable length, andevery one on whom he had bestowed his quickly kindled affections hadseemed to him the one woman he must make his own, if he would be a happyman. But ere he had reached the point of offering his hand, the questionhad arisen in his mind whether he might not love another still moreardently. So he had begun to persuade himself that his heart yearned forno individual, but the whole sex--at least the portion which wa
s youngand could feel love--and therefore he would scarcely be wise to bindhimself to any one. True, he knew that he was capable of fidelity, forhe clung to his friends with changeless loyalty, and was ready tomake any sacrifice in their behalf. With women, however, he dealtdifferently. Was Helena's image, which now floated before him sobewitchingly, destined to fade as swiftly? The contrary would have beenremarkable. Yet he firmly believed that this time Eros meant honestlyby him. The laughing loves who twined their rose garlands around him andHelena's predecessors had nothing to do with this grave maiden.
These reflections darted through his brain with the speed of lightning,and still stirred his heart when he was ushered into the impluvium,where the magistrates were impatiently awaiting the owner of the house.With the lucidity peculiar to him, he explained his reasons for hopingthat their errand would be vain, and Apollonius replied that no onewould rejoice more than he himself if the Regent should authorize him,on the morrow, to countermand his mission. He would gladly wait therelonger to afford the old man's granddaughter an opportunity to softenthe tidings of the impending misfortune.
The kind-hearted man's patience, however, was not tested too long; forwhen Helena entered the summer-house Didymus had already been informedof the disaster which threatened him and his family. The philosopherEuphranor, an elderly member of the Museum, had reached him through thegarden gate, and, spite of Philotas's warning sign, told him what wasoccurring. But Didymus knew the old philosopher, who, a recluse from theworld like himself, was devoting the remainder of his life and strengthto the pursuit of science. So he only shook his head incredulously,pushed back the thin locks of grey hair which hung down on his cheeksover the barest part of his skull, and exclaimed reproachfully, thoughas if the matter under discussion was of the most trivial importance:"What have you been hearing? We'll see about it!"
He had risen as he spoke, and too abruptly surprised by the news toremember the sandals on the mat and the upper robe which lay on a chestof drawers at the end of the room, he was in the act of quitting it,when his friend, who had silently watched his movements, stopped him,and Helena entered.
The grey-haired sage turned to her, and, vexed by his friend's doubts,begged her to convince her grandfather that even matters which donot please us may nevertheless be of some importance. She did so asconsiderately as possible, thinking meanwhile of the architect and hishopes.
Didymus, with his eyes bent on the ground, shook his grey head againand again. Then, suddenly raising it, he rushed to the door, and withoutheeding the upper garment which Helena still held in her hand, tore itopen, shouting, "But things must and shall be changed!"
Euphranor and his granddaughter followed. Though his head was bowed,he crossed the little garden with a swift, firm tread, and, withoutnoticing the questions and warnings of his companions, walked at once tothe impluvium. The bright light dazzled his weakened eyes, and his habitof gazing into vacancy or on the ground compelled him to glance fromside to side for some time, ere he could accustom himself to it.Apollonius approached, greeted him respectfully, and assured him that hedeeply regretted having interrupted him in the work for which the wholeworld was waiting, but he had come on important business.
"I know, I know," the old scholar answered with a smile of superiority."What is all this ado about?"
As he spoke he looked around the group of spectators, among whom he knewno one except Apollonius, who had charge of the museum accounts, and thearchitect, for whom he had composed the inscription on the Odeum, whichhe had recently built. But when his eyes met only unfamiliar faces, theconfidence which hitherto had sustained him began to waver, though stillconvinced that a demand such as the philosopher suggested could notpossibly be made upon him, he continued: "It is stated that there is aplan for turning my garden into a public square. And for what purpose?To erect a piece of sculpture. But there can be nothing serious in therumour, for my property is recorded in the land register, and the law--"
"Pardon me," Apollonius broke in, "if I interrupt you. We know theordinance to which you refer, but this case is an exceptional one. TheRegent desires to take nothing from you. On the contrary, he offers,in the name of the Queen, any compensation you yourself may fix forthe piece of land which is to be honoured by the statues of the highestpersonages in the country--Cleopatra and Antony, hand in hand. The pieceof sculpture has already been brought here. A work by the admirableartist Lysander, who passed too early to the nether world, certainlywill not disfigure your house. The little summer-house by the sea mustbe removed to-morrow, it is true; you know that our gracious Queenmay return any day-victorious if the immortals are just. This piece ofsculpture, which is created in her honour, to afford her pleasure, mustgreet her on her arrival, so the Regent send me to-day to communicatehis wish, which, as he represents the Queen--"
"Yet," interrupted the architect, who had again warmly assured the oldman's granddaughter of his aid, "yet your friends will endeavour topersuade the Regent to find another place for the statues."
"They are at liberty to do so," said the officer. "What will happenlater the future will show. My office merely requires me to induce theworthy owner of this house and garden to submit to-day to the Queen'scommand, which the Regent and my own heart bid me clothe in the form ofa request."
During this conversation the old man had at first listened silently tothe magistrate's words, gazing intently into his face. So it was true.The demand to yield up his garden, and even the little house, forfifty years the scene of his study and creative work, for the sake of astatue, would be made. Since this had become a certainty, he had stoodwith his eyes fixed upon the ground. Grief had paralyzed his tongue, andHelena, who felt this, for the aged head seemed as if it were bendingunder a heavy burden, had drawn close to his side.
The shouts and howls of the throng outside echoed through the open roofof the impluvium, but the old man did not seem to hear them, and did noteven notice his granddaughter. Yet, no sooner did he feel her touch thanhe hurriedly shrank away, flung back his drooping head, and gazed aroundthe circle of intruders.
The dull, questioning eyes of the old commentator and writer of manybooks now blazed with the hot fire of youthful passion and, like awrestler who seeks the right grip, he measured Apollonius and hiscompanions with wrathful glances. The fragile recluse seemed transformedinto a warrior ready for battle. His lips and the nostrils of hisdelicate nose quivered, and when Apollonius began to say that it wouldbe wise to remove the contents of the summer-house that day, as itwould be torn down early the next morning, Didymus raised his arms,exclaiming:
"That will not be done. Not a single roll shall be removed! They willfind me at work as usual early to-morrow morning, and if it is stillyour wish to rob me of my property you must use violence to attain yourpurpose."
"Calm yourself," replied Apollonius. "Every one beneath the moon mustsubmit to a higher power; the gods bow to destiny, we mortals to thesovereign. You are a sage; I, merely mindful of the behests of duty,administer my office. But I know life, and if I may offer my counsel,you will accept what cannot be averted, and I will wager ten to one thatyou will have the best of it; that the Queen will place in your handsmeans--"
"Sufficient to build a palace on the site of the little house of which Iwas robbed," Didymus interrupted bitterly. Then rage burst forth afresh"What do I care for your money? I want my rights, my good, guaranteedrights. I insist upon them, and whoever assails the ground which mygrandfather and father bequeathed to me--"
He hesitated, for the throng outside had burst into a loud shout ofjoy; and when it died away, and the old man began once more defiantlyto claim his rights, he was interrupted by a woman's clear tones,addressing him with the Greek greeting, "Rejoice!"--a voice so gay andmusical that it seemed to dispel the depression which rested like a greyfog on the whole company.
While Didymus was listening to the excited populace, and the new-comerwas gazing at the old man whose rigid obstinacy could scarcely beconquered by kindness, the younger men were looking at
the beautifulwoman who joined them. Her haste had flushed her cheeks, and frombeneath the turquoise-blue kerchief that covered her fair locksa bewitching face smiled at her sister, the architect, and hergrandfather.
Apollonius and many of his companions felt as if happiness in personhad entered this imperilled house, and many an eye brightened when theinfuriated old man exclaimed in an altered tone, "You here, Barine?" andshe, without heeding the presence of the others, kissed his cheek withtender affection.
Helena, Gorgias, and the old philosopher Euphranor, had approached her,and when the latter asked with loving reproach, "Why, Barine, how didyou get through the howling mob?" she answered gaily: "That a learnedmember of the Museum may receive me with the query whether I am here,though from childhood a kind or--what do you think, grandfather?--amalign fate has preserved me from being overlooked, and some one elsereprovingly asks how I passed through the shouting mob, as if it were acrime to wade into the water to hold out a helping hand to those we lovebest when it is up to their chins! But, oh! dear, this howling is toohideous!"
While speaking, she pressed her little hands on the part of the kerchiefwhich concealed her ears, and said no more until the noise subsided,although she declared that she was in a hurry, and had only come tolearn how matters were. Meanwhile it seemed as if she was so full ofquick, pulsing life, that it was impossible to leave even a momentunused, if it were merely to bestow or answer a friendly glance.
The architect and her sister were obliged to return hurried answers tohasty questions; and as soon as she ascertained what had brought thestrangers there she thanked Apollonius, and said that old friends woulddo their best to spare her grandfather such a sorrow.
In reply to repeated inquiries from the two old men in regard to herarrival there, she answered: "Nobody will believe it, because in thishurry I could not keep my mouth shut; but I acted like a mute fish andreached the water." Then, drawing her grandfather aside, she whisperedto him that, when she left her boat at the harbour, Archibius had seenher from his carriage, and instantly stopped it to inform her of hisintended visit that evening. He was coming to discuss an importantmatter. Therefore she must receive the worthy man, whom she sincerelyliked, so she could not stay. Then turning to the others still withher kerchief on her head ready for departure--she asked what the peoplemeant by their outcries. The architect replied that Philostratus hadendeavoured to make the crowd believe that the only appropriate site forthe statues of which she had heard was her grandfather's garden, and hethought he knew in whose behalf the fellow was acting.
"Certainly not in the Regent's," said Apollonius, in a tone of sincereconviction; but Barine, over whose sunny brow a shadow had flitted whenGorgias uttered the orator's name, assented with a slight bend of thehead, and then whispered hurriedly, yet earnestly, that she would answerfor the old man's allowing himself to be persuaded, if he had only timeto collect his thoughts.
The next morning, when the market was crowded, the officer mightcommence his negotiations afresh, if the Regent insisted on his plan.Meanwhile she would do her best to persuade her grandfather to yield,though he was not exactly one of the class who are easily guided.Apollonius might remind the Regent that it would be advisable at thistime to avoid a public scandal, to remember Didymus's age, and thevalidity of his claim.
While Apollonius was talking with his companions, Barine beckoned to thearchitect, and hastily took leave of the others, protesting that shewas in no danger, since she would slip away again like a fish, onlythis time she would use her tongue, and hoped by its means to win to thesupport of Didymus's just cause a man who would already have ended allthe trouble had the Queen only been in Alexandria.
Until now the eyes and ears of the whole company had been fixed uponBarine. No one had desired anything better than to gaze at and listen toher.
Not until she had quitted the room with Gorgias did the officialsdiscuss the matter together, and soon after Apollonius went away withhis companions, to hold another conference with the Regent about thisunpleasant business. This time the architect had followed the youngbeauty with very mingled feelings. Only an hour before he would haverejoiced to be permitted to accompany and protect Barine; now he wouldhave gladly remained with her sister, who had returned his farewellgreeting so gratefully and yet with such maidenly modesty. But even themost vacillating man cannot change one fancy for another as he wouldreplace a black piece on the draughtboard with a white one, and he stillfound it delightful to be so near Barine. Only the thought that Helenamight believe that he stood on very intimate terms with her sister haddarted with a disquieting influence through his brain when the latterinvited him to accompany her.
In the garden Barine begged him, before they went to the landing-placewhere the boat was moored, to help her ascend the narrow flight of stepsleading to the flat roof of the gatekeeper's little house.
Here they could watch unseen the tumult in the square below, for it wassurrounded by dense laurel bushes. Bright flames were blazing in thepitch-pans before the two temples at the side of the Corner of theMuses, and their light was increased by the torches held in the hands ofScythians. Yet no individuals could be distinguished in the throng. Themarble walls of the temples shimmered, the statues at Didymus's gate,and the hermae along the street of the King which passed the threatenedhouse and connected the north of the Corner of the Muses with thesea-shore, loomed from the darkness in the brilliancy of the reflectedlight, but the smoke of the torches darkened the sky and dimmed thestarlight.
The only persons distinctly visible were Dion, who had stationed himselfon the lofty framework of the platform on which the muffled statueshad been drawn hither, and the attorney Philostratus, who stood on thepedestal of one of the dolphins which surrounded the fountain betweenthe Temple of Isis and the street. The space, a dozen paces wide, whichdivided them, permitted the antagonists to understand each other, andthe attention of the whole throng was fixed upon the wranglers.
These verbal battles were one of the greatest pleasures of theAlexandrians, and they greeted every clever turn of speech with shoutsof applause, every word which displeased them with groans, hisses, andcat-calls.
Barine could see and hear what was passing below. She had pushed asidethe foliage of the laurel bushes which concealed her, and, with herhand raised to her ear, stood listening to the two disputants. When thescoundrel whom she had called husband, and for whom her contempt hadbecome too deep for hate, sneeringly assailed her family as having beenfed from generation to generation from the corn-bin of the Museum, shebit her lips. But they soon curled, as if what she heard arousedher disgust, for the speaker now turned to Dion and accused him ofpreventing the kindly disposed Regent from increasing the renown of thegreat Queen and affording her noble heart a pleasure.
"My tongue," he cried, "is the tool which supports me. Why am I using ithere till it is weary and almost paralyzed? In honour of Cleopatra, ourillustrious Queen, and her generous friend, to whom we all owe a debt ofgratitude. Let all who love her and the divine Antony, the new Heraklesand Dionysus--both will soon make their entry among us crowned with thelaurels of victory--join the Regent and every well-disposed person inseizing yonder bit of land so meanly withheld by base avarice and asentiment--a sentiment, do you hear?--which I do not name more plainly,simply because wickedness is repulsive to me, and I do not stand hereas an accuser. Whoever upholds the word-monger who spouts forth books asthe dolphin at my side does water, may do so. I shall not envy him. Butfirst look at Didymus's ally and panegyrist. There he stands opposite tome. It would have been better for him had the dolphin at his feet taughthim silence. Then he might have remained in the obscurity which befitshim.
"But whether willing or not, I must drag him forth, and I will show youDion, fellow-citizens, though I would far rather have you see thingswhich arouse less ire. The dim light prevents your distinguishing thecolour of his robe, but I know it, for I saw it in the glare of day. Itis hyacinthine purple. You know what that costs. It would support thewives and children
of many among you for ten long years. 'How heavy mustbe the purse which can expose such a treasure to sun and rain!' isthe thought of every one who sees him strutting about as proudly as apeacock. And his purse is loaded with many talents. Only it is a pitythat, day after day, most of you must give your children a little lessbread and deprive yourselves of many a draught of wine to deck him outso bravely. His father, Eumenes, was a tax-collector, and what the leechextorted from you and your children, the son now uses to drive, clad inhyacinthine purple, a four-horse chariot, which splashes the mire fromthe street into your faces as it rolls onward. By the dog! the gentlemandoes not weigh so very much, yet he needs four horses to drag him. And,fellow-citizens, do you know why? I'll tell you. He's afraid of stickingfast everywhere, even in his speech."
Here Philostratus lowered his voice, for the phrase "sticking fast"had drawn a laugh from some of his hearers; but Dion, whose fatherhad really amassed, in the high position of a receiver of taxes, thehandsome fortune which his son possessed, did not delay his reply.
"Yes, yes," he retorted scornfully, "yonder Syrian babbler hit the markthis time. He stands before me, and who does not easily stick fast whenmarsh and mire are so near? As for the hyacinthine purple cloak, I wearit because I like it. His crocus-yellow one is less to my taste, thoughhe certainly looks fine enough in it in the sunlight. It shines likea buttercup in the grass. You know the plant. When it fades--and Iask whether you think Philostratus looks like a bud--when it fades,it leaves a hollow spiral ball which a child's breath could blow away.Suppose in future we should call the round buttercup seed-vessels'Philostratus heads'? You like the suggestion? I am glad,fellow-citizens, and I thank you. It proves your good taste. Thenwe will stick to the comparison. Every head contains a tongue, andPhilostratus says that his is the tool which supports him."
"Hear the money-bag, the despiser of the people!" interruptedPhilostratus furiously. "The honest toil by which a citizen earns alivelihood is a disgrace in his eyes."
"Honest toil, my good friend," replied Dion, "is scarcely in questionhere. I spoke only of your tongue.--You understand me, fellow-citizens.Or, if any of you are not yet acquainted with this worthy man, I willshow him to you, for I know him well. He is my foe, yet I can sincerelyrecommend him to many of you. If any one has a very bad, shamefullycorrupt cause to bring before the courts, I most earnestly counsel himto apply to the buttercup man perched on yonder fountain. He will thankme for it. Believe me, Didymus's cause is just, precisely because thisadvocate so eagerly assails it. I told you just now the matter underdiscussion. Which of you who owns a garden can say in future, 'It ismine,' if, during the absence of the Queen, it is allowable to takeit away to be used for any other purpose? But this is what threatensDidymus. If this is to be the custom here, let every one beware ofsowing a radish or planting a bush or a tree, for should the wife ofsome great noble desire to dry her linen there, he may be deprived of itere the former can ripen or the latter give shade."
Loud applause followed this sentence, but Philostratus shouted in avoice that echoed far and wide: "Hear me, fellow-citizens; do not allowyour selves to be deceived! No one is to be robbed here. The projectis to purchase, at a high price, the spot which the city needs for heradornment, and to honour and please the Queen. Are the Regent and thecitizens to lose this opportunity of expressing the gratitude of years,and the rejoicing over the greatest of victories, of which we shall soonhear, because an evil-disposed person--the word must be uttered--a foeto his country, opposes it?"
"Now the mire is coming too near me," Dion angrily responded, "and Imight really stick fast, as I was warned; for I do not envy the readypresence of mind of any person whose tongue would not falter whenthe basest slander scattered its venom over him. You all know,fellow-citizens, through how many generations the Didymus family haslived to the honour of this city, doing praiseworthy work in yonderhouse. You know that the good old man who dwells there was one of theteachers of the royal children."
"And yet," cried Philostratus, "only the day before yesterday he walkedarm in arm in the Paneum garden with Arius, the tutor of Octavianus, ourown and our Queen's most hated foe. In my presence, and before I knownot how many others, Didymus distinguished this Arius as his mostbeloved pupil."
"To give you that title," retorted Dion, "would certainly fill anyteacher with shame and anger, no matter how far you had surpassed himin wisdom and knowledge. Nay, had you been committed to the care of theherring dealers, instead of the rhetoricians, every honest man amongthem would disown you, for they sell only good wares for good money,while you give the poorest in exchange for glittering gold. This timeyou trample under foot the fair name of an honourable man. But I willnot suffer it; and you hear, fellow-citizens, I now challenge thisSyrian to prove that Didymus ever betrayed his native land, or Iwill brand him in your presence a base slanderer, an infamous, venaldestroyer of character!"
"An insult from such lips is easily borne," replied Philostratus in atone of scornful superiority; but there was a pause ere he again turnedto the listening throng, and with all the warmth he could throw into hisvoice continued: "What do I desire, then, fellow-citizens? What is thesole object of my words? I stand here with clean hands, impelled solelyby the impulse of my heart, to plead for the Queen. In order to securethe only suitable site for the statues to be erected to Cleopatra'shonour and fame, I enter into judgment with her foes, expose myself tothe insult with which boastful insolence is permitted to vent its wrathupon me. But I am not dismayed, though, in pursuing this course, I amacting against the law of Nature; for the infamous man against whom Iraise my voice was my teacher, too, and ere he turned from the path ofright and virtue--under influences which I will not mention here--henumbered me also, in the presence of many witnesses, among hisbest pupils. I was certainly one of the most grateful--I chose hisgranddaughter--the truth must be spoken--for my wife. The possession--"
"Possession!" interrupted Dion in a loud, excited tone. "The corpse castashore by the waves might as well boast possession of the sea!"
The dim torchlight was sufficient to reveal Philostratus's pallor to thebystanders. For a moment the orator seemed to lose his self-control,but he quickly recovered himself, and shouted: "Fellow-citizens, dearfriends! I was about to make you witnesses of the misery which a woman,whose wickedness is even greater than her beauty, brought upon aninexperienced--"
But he went no further; for his hearers--many of whom knew thebrilliant, generous Dion, and Barine, the fair singer at the last Adonisfestival--gave the orator tokens of their indignation, which were allthe more pitiless because of the pleasure they felt in seeing an expertvanquished by an untrained foe. The wordy war would not have ended soquickly, however, had not restlessness and alarm taken possession ofthe crowd. The shout, "Back! disperse!" ran through the multitude, anddirectly after the trampling of hoofs and the commands of the leaderof a troop of Libyan cavalry were heard. The matter at stake was notsufficiently important to induce the populace to offer an armed forceresistance which might have entailed serious danger. Besides, theblustering war of tongues had reached a merry close, and loud laughterblended with the shouts of fear and warning; for the surging thronghad swept with unexpected speed towards the fountain and plungedPhilostratus into the basin. Whether this was due to the wrath of someenemy, or to mere accident, could not be learned; the vain efforts ofthe luckless man to crawl out of the water up the smooth marble were socomical, and his gestures, after helping hands had dragged him drippingupon the pavement of the square, were so irresistibly funny, that morelaughing than angry voices were heard, especially when some one cried,"His hands were soiled by blackening Didymus, so the washing will dohim good." "Some wise physicians flung him into the water," retorted another; "he needed the cold application after the blows Dion dealt him."
The Regent, who had sent the troop of horsemen to drive the crowd awayfrom Didymus's house, might well be pleased that the violent measureencountered so little resistance.
The throng quickly scattered, and wa
s speedily attracted by somethingnew at the Theatre of Dionysus--the zither-player Anaxenor had justannounced from its steps that Cleopatra and Antony had won the mostbrilliant victory, and had sung to the accompaniment of his lute a hymnwhich had deeply stirred all hearts. He had composed it long before,and seized the first opportunity--the report had reached his ears whilebreakfasting in Kanopus--to try its effect.
As soon as the square began to empty, Barine left her post ofobservation. It was long since her heart had throbbed so violently. Notone of the many suitors for her favour had been so dear to her as Dion;but she now felt that she loved him.
What he had just done for her and her grandfather was worthy of thedeepest gratitude; it proved that he did not come to her house, likemost of her guests, merely to while away the evening hours.
It had been no small matter for the young aristocrat, in the presenceof the whole multitude, to enter into a debate with the infamousPhilostratus, and how well he had succeeded in silencing the dreadedorator! Besides, Dion had even taken her part against his own powerfuluncle, and perhaps by his deed drawn upon himself the hostility ofhis enemy's brother, Alexas, Antony's powerful favourite. Barine mightassure herself that he, who was the peer of any Macedonian noble in thecity, would have done this for no one else.
She felt as if the act had ransomed her.
When, after an unhappy marriage and many desolate days, she had regainedher former bright cheerfulness and saw her house become the centre ofthe intellectual life of the city, she had striven until now to extendthe same welcome to all her guests. She had perceived that she oughtnot to give any one the power over her which is possessed by the man whoknows that he is beloved, and even to Dion she had granted little morethan to the others. But now she saw plainly that she would resignthe pleasure of being a universally admired woman, whose modest homeattracted the most distinguished men in the city, for the far greaterhappiness which would be hers as Dion's beloved wife.
With him, cherished by his love, she believed that she could find fargreater joy in solitude than in the gay course of her present life.
She knew now what she must do if Dion sought her, and the architect,for the first time, found her a silent companion. He had willinglyaccompanied her back to her grandfather's house, where he had again mether sister Helena, while she had quitted it disappointed, because herbrave defender had not returned there.
After the interruption of the debate Dion had been in a very cheerfulmood. The pleasant sensation of having championed a good cause, andthe delightful consciousness of success were not new to him, but he hadrarely felt so uplifted as now. He most ardently longed for his nextmeeting with Barine, and imagined how he would describe what hadhappened and claim her gratitude for his friendly service. The scene hadrisen clearly before his mind, but scarcely had the radiant vision ofthe future faded when the unusually bright expression of his manly facewas clouded by a grave and troubled one.
The darkness of the night, illumined only by the flare of thepitch-pans, had surrounded him, yet it had seemed as if he were standingwith Barine in the full light of noon in the blossoming garden of hisown palace, and, after asking a reward for his sturdy championship, shehad clung to him with deep emotion, and he had passionately kissed hertearful face.
The face had quickly vanished, yet it had been as distinct as the mostvivid picture in a dream. Was Barine more to him than he supposed? Hadhe not been drawn to her, during the past few months, by the mere charmof her pliant intellect and her bright beauty? Had a new, strong passionawakened within him? Was he in danger of seeing the will which urged himto preserve his freedom conquered? Had he cause to fear that someday, constrained by a mysterious, invincible power, in defiance of theopposition of calm reason, he might perhaps bind himself for life tothis Barine, the woman who had once been the wife of a Philostratus, andwho bestowed her smiles on all who found admittance to her house seekinga feast for the eye, a banquet for the ear, a pleasant entertainment?
Though her honor was as stainless as the breast of a swan--and he hadno reason to doubt it--she would still be classed with Aspasia and otherwomen whose guests sought more than songs and agreeable conversations.The gifts with which the gods had so lavishly endowed her had alreadybeen shared with too many to permit him, the last scion of a nobleMacedonian house, to think of leading her, as mistress, to the palacewhose erection he had so carefully and successfully planned withGorgias.
Surely it lacked nothing save the gracious rule of a mistress.
But if she should consent to become his without the blessing of Hymen?No.
He could not thus dishonor the granddaughter of Didymus, the man who hadbeen his father's revered teacher, a woman whom he had always rejoicedthat, spite of the gay freedom with which she received so many admirers,he could still esteem. He would not do so, though his friends wouldhave greeted such scruples with a smile of superiority. Who revered thesacredness of marriage in a city whose queen was openly living for thesecond time with the husband of another? Dion himself had formed manya brief connection, but for that very reason he could not place a womanlike Barine on the same footing with those whose love he had perhapsowed solely to his wealth. He had never lacked courage and resolution,but he felt that this time he would have to resist a power with which hehad never coped.
That accursed face! Again and again it rose before his mental vision,smiling and beckoning so sweetly that the day must come when theyearning to realize the dream would conquer all opposition. If heremained near her he would inevitably do what he might afterwardsregret, and therefore he would fain have offered a sacrifice to Peithoto induce her to enhance Archibius's powers of persuasion and induceBarine to leave Alexandria. It would be hard for him to part from her,yet much would be gained if she went into the country. Between thepresent and the distant period of a second meeting lay respite fromperil, and perhaps the possibility of victory. Dion did not recognizehimself. He seemed as unstable as a swaying reed, because he hadconquered his wish to re-enter old Didymus's house and encourage him,and passed on to his own home. But he would probably have found Barinestill with her grandfather, and he would not meet her, though everyfibre of his being longed for her face, her voice, and a word ofgratitude from her beloved lips. Instead of joy, he was filled with thesense of dissatisfaction which overpowers a man standing at a crossingin the roads, who sees before him three goals, yet can be fully contentwith neither.
The Street of the King, along which he suffered himself to be carried bythe excited throng, ran between the sea and the Theatre of Dionysus. Thethought darted through his mind that his friend the architect desired toerect the luckless statues of the royal lovers in front of this statelybuilding. He would divert his thoughts by examining the site whichGorgias had chosen.
The zither-player finished his hymn just as Dion approached the theatre,and the crowd began to disperse. Every one was full of the joyfultidings of victory, and one shouted to another what Anaxenor, thefavourite of the great Antony, who must surely know, had just recitedin thrilling verse. Many a joyous Io and loud Evoe to Cleopatra, thenew Isis, and Antony, the new Dionysus, resounded through the air, whilebearded and smooth, delicate Greek and thick Egyptian lips joined in theshout, "To the Sebasteum!" This was the royal palace, which faced thegovernment building containing the Regent's residence. The populacedesired to have the delightful news confirmed, and to express, by apublic demonstration, the grateful joy which filled every heart.
Dion, too, was eager to obtain certainty, and, though usually averse tomingling with the populace during such noisy outbursts of feeling, hewas preparing to follow the crowd thronging towards the Sebasteum, whenthe shouts of runners clearing a passage for a closed litter fell uponhis ear.
It was occupied by Iras, the Queen's trusted attendant. If any one couldgive accurate information, it was she; yet it would hardly be possibleto gain an opportunity of conversing with her in this throng. But Irasmust have had a different opinion; she had seen Dion, and now called himto her side. There were hoa
rse tones in her voice, usually so clear andmusical, which betrayed the emotion raging in her breast as she assailedthe young Macedonian noble with a flood of questions. Without giving himthe usual greeting, she hastily desired to know what was excitingthe people, who had brought the tidings of victory, and whither themultitude was flocking?
Dion had found it difficult not to be forced from the litter whileanswering. Iris perceived this, and as they were just passing theMaeander, the labyrinth, which was closed after sunset, she ordered herbearers to carry the litter to the entrance, made herself known to thewatchman, ordered the outer court to be opened, the litter to be placedthere, and the bearers and runners to wait outside for her summons,which would soon be given.
This unusual haste and excitement filled Dion with just solicitude. Sherefused his invitation to alight and walk up and down, declaring thatlife offered so many labyrinths that one need not seek them. He, too,seemed to be following paths which were scarcely straight ones. "Why,"she concluded, thrusting her head far out of the opening in the litter,"are you rendering it so difficult for the Regent and your own uncle toexecute their plans, making common cause with the populace, like a paidagitator?"
"Like Philostratus, you mean, on whom I bestowed a few blows in additionto the golden guerdon received from your hand?"
"Ay, like him, for aught I care. Probably it was you, too, who hadhim flung into the water, after you had vented your wrath on him?You managed your cause well. What we do for love's sake is usuallysuccessful. No matter, if only his brother Alexas does not rouse Antonyagainst you. For my part, I merely desire to know why and for whom allthis was done."
"For whom save the good old man who was my father's preceptor, andhis just claim?" replied Dion frankly. "Moreover--for no site moreunsuitable could be found than his garden-in behalf of good taste."
Iras laughed a shrill, short laugh, and her narrow, regularly formedface, which might have been called beautiful, had not the bridge of thestraight delicate nose been too long and the chin too small, darkenedslightly, as she exclaimed, "That is frank at least."
"You ought to be accustomed to that from me," replied Dion calmly. "Inthis case, however, the expert, Gorgias, fully shares my opinion."
"I heard that too. You are both the most constant visitors of--what isthe woman's name?--the bewitching Barine."
"Barine?" repeated Dion, as if the mention of the name surprised him."You take care, my friend, that our conversation does honour to itsscene, the labyrinth. I speak of works of the sculptor's art, and youpretend that I am referring to what is most certainly a very successfulliving work from the creative hands of the gods. I was very far fromthinking of the granddaughter of the old scholar for whom I interceded."
"Ay," she scornfully retorted, "young gentlemen in your position,and with your habits of life, always think of their fathers estimableteachers rather than of the women who, ever since Pandora opened herbox, have brought all sorts of misfortunes into the world. But," sheadded, pushing back her dark locks from her high forehead, "I don'tunderstand myself, how, with the mountain of care that now burdens mysoul, I can waste even a single word upon such trifles. I care as littlefor the aged scholar as I do for his legion of commentaries and books,though they are not wholly unfamiliar to me. For any concern of minehe might have as many grandchildren as there are evil tongues inAlexandria, were it not that just at this time it is of the utmostimportance to remove everything which might cast a shadow on the Queen'spathway. I have just come from the palace of the royal children atLochias, and what I learned there. But that--I will not, I cannotbelieve it. It fairly stifles me!"
"Have you received bad news from the fleet?" questioned Dion, withsincere anxiety; but she only bent her head in assent, laying her fan ofostrich-plumes on her lips to enjoin silence, at the same time shiveringso violently that he perceived it, even in the dusk. It was evident thatspeech was difficult, as she added in a muffled tone: "It must be keptsecret--Rhodian sailors--thank the gods, it is still very doubtful--itcannot, must not be true--and yet-the prattle of that zither-player,which has filled the multitude with joyous anticipation, isabominable--the great ones of the earth are often most sorely injured bythose who owe them the most gratitude. I know you can be silent, Dion.You could as a boy, if anything was to be hidden from our parents. Wouldyou still be ready to plunge into the water for me, as in those days?Scarcely. Yet you may be trusted, and, even in this labyrinth, I willdo so. My heart is heavy. But not one word to any person. I need noconfidant and could maintain silence even towards you, but I am anxiousthat you should understand me, you who have just taken such a stand.Before I entered my litter at Lochias, the boy returned, and I talkedwith him."
"Young Caesarion loves Barine," replied Dion with grave earnestness.
"Then this horrible folly is known?" asked Iras excitedly. "A passionfar deeper than I should ever have expected this dreamer to feel hastaken possession of him. And if the Queen should now return--perhapsless successful than we desire--if she looks to those from whom shestill expects pleasure, satisfaction, lofty deeds, and learns what hasbefallen the boy--for what does not that sun-bright intellect learn andperceive? He is dear to her, dearer than any of you imagine. How it willincrease her anxiety, perhaps her suffering! With what good reason shewill be angered against those whom duty and love should have commandedto guard the boy!"
"And therefore," added Dion, "the stone of offence must be removed. Yourfirst step to secure this object was the attack on Didymus."
He had judged correctly and perceived that, in her assault upon the oldscholar, she had at first intended to play into the hands of the rulers,work against the old philosopher and his relatives, among whose numberwas Barine; for the Egyptian law permitted the relatives of those whowere convicted of any crime against the sovereign or the government tobe banished with the criminal. This attack upon an innocent person wasdisgraceful, yet every word Iras uttered made Dion feel, every featureof her face betrayed, that it was not merely base jealousy, but a nobleremotion, that caused her to assail the guiltless sage--love for hermistress, the desire which dominated her whole being to guard Cleopatrafrom grief and trouble in these trying times. He knew Iras's iron willand the want of consideration with which she had learned to pursue herpurpose at the court. His first object was to protect Barine from thedanger which threatened her; but he also wished to relieve the anxietyof Iras, the daughter of Krates, his father's neighbour, with whom hehad played in boyhood and for whom he had never ceased to feel a tenderinterest.
His remark surprised her. She saw that her plot was detected by the manwhose esteem she most valued, and a loving woman is glad to recognizethe superiority of her lover. Besides, from her earliest childhood--andshe was only two years younger than Dion--she had belonged to circleswhere no quality was more highly prized than mental pliancy andkeenness. Her dark eyes, which at first had glittered distrustfully andquestioningly and afterwards glowed with a gloomy light, now gained anew expression. Her gaze sought her friend's with a tender, pleadinglook as, admitting his charge, she began: "Yes! Dion, the philosopher'sgranddaughter must not stay here. Or do you see any other way to protectthe unhappy boy from incalculable misfortune? You know me well enoughto be aware that, like you, I am reluctant to infringe another's rights,that except in case of necessity I am not cruel. I value your esteem. Noone is more truthful, and yesterday you averred that Eros had no part inyour visits to the much-admired young woman, that you joined her guestsmerely because the society you found at her house afforded a pleasantstimulus to the mind. I have ceased to believe in many things, but notin you and your words, and if hearing that you had taken sides with thegrandfather, I fancied that you were secretly seeking the thanks andgratitude of the granddaughter, why--surely the atrocious maxim thatZeus does not hear the vows of lovers comes from you men--why, suspicionagain reared its head. Now you seem to share my opinion--"
"Like you," Dion interrupted, "I believe that Barine ought to bewithdrawn from the boy's pursuit, which cannot be m
ore unpleasant toyou than to her. As Caesarion neither can nor ought to leave Alexandriawhile affairs are so threatening, nothing is left except to remove theyoung woman--but, of course, in all kindness."
"In a golden chariot, garlanded with roses, if you so desire," criedIras eagerly.
"That might attract attention," answered Dion, smiling and raising hishand as if to enjoin moderation. "Your mode of action does not pleaseme, even now that I know its purpose, but I will gladly aid you toattain your object. Your crooked paths also lead to the goal, andperhaps one is less likely to stumble in them; but straight ways suitme better, and I think I have already found the right one. A friendwill invite Barine to an estate far away from here, perhaps in the lakeregions."
"You?" cried Iras, her narrow eyebrows suddenly contracting.
"Do you imagine that she would go with me?" he asked, in a faintlyreproachful tone. "No. Fortunately, we have older friends, and at theirhead is one who happens to be your uncle and at the same time is wax inthe hands of the Queen."
"Archibius?" exclaimed Iras. "Ah! if he could persuade her to do so!"
"He will try. He, too, is anxious about the lad. While we are talkinghere, he is inviting Barine to his estate. The country air will benefither."
"May she bloom there like a young shepherdess!"
"You are right to wish her the best fortune; for if the Queen does notreturn victorious, the irritability of our Alexandrians will be doubled.When you laid hands on Didymus's garden, you were so busily engaged inbuilding the triumphal arch that you forgot--"
"Who would have doubted the successful issue of this war?" cried Iras."And they will, they will conquer. The Rhodian said that the fleet wasscattered. The disaster happened on the Acharnanian coast. How positiveit sounded! But he had it only at second and third hand. And what aremere rumours? The source of the false tidings is discovered later.Besides, even if the naval battle were really lost, the powerful army,which is far superior to Octavianus's forces, still remains. Which ofthe enemy's generals could cope with Antony on the land? How he willfight when all is at stake-fame, honour, sovereignty, hate, and love!Away with this fear, based on mere rumour! After Dyrrachium Caesar'scause was deemed lost, and how soon Pharsalus made him master ofthe world! Is it worthy of a sensible person to suffer courage to bedepressed by a sailor's gossip? And yet--yet! It began while I wasill. And then the swallows on the Antonias, the admiral's ship. We havealready spoken of it. Mardiou and your uncle Zeno saw with their owneyes the strange swallows drive away those which had built their neston the helm of the Antonias, and kill the young ones with their cruelbeaks. An evil omen!
"I cannot forget it. And my dream, while I lay ill with fever far awayfrom my mistress! But I have already lingered here too long. No, Dion,no. I am grateful for the rest here--I can now feel at ease aboutCaesarion. Place the monument where you choose. The people shall see andhear that we respect their opposition, that we are just and friendly.Help me to turn this matter to the advantage of the Queen, and ifArchibius succeeds in getting Barine away and keeping her in thecountry, then--if I had aught that seemed to you desirable it should beyours. But what does the petted Dion care for his fading playfellow?"
"Fading?" he repeated in a tone of indignant reproach. "Say rather thefully developed flower has learned from her royal friend the secret ofeternal youth."
With a swift impulse of gratitude Iras bent her face towards him in thedusk, extending the slender white hand--next to Cleopatra's famed as themost beautiful at court--for him to kiss, but when he merely pressed hislips lightly on it with no shadow of tenderness, she hastily withdrewit, exclaiming as if overwhelmed by sudden repentance: "This idle,hollow dalliance at such a time, with such a burden of anxietyoppressing the heart! It is un worthy, shameful! If Barine goes withArchibius, her time will scarcely hang heavy on his estates. I thinkI know some one who will speedily follow to bear her company.--Here,Sasis! the bearers! To the Tower of Nilus, before the Gate of the Sun!"
Dion gazed after her litter a short time, then passed his hand throughhis waving brown hair, walked swiftly to the shore and, without pausinglong to choose, sprang into one of the boats which were rented forpleasure voyages. Ordering the sailors who were preparing to accompanyhim to remain on shore, he stretched the sail with a practised hand,and ran out towards the mouth of the harbour. He needed some strongexcitement, and wished to go himself in search of news.