Free Novel Read

Barbara Blomberg — Complete

  Produced by David Widger


  By Georg Ebers

  Translated from the German by Mary J. Safford

  BOOK 1.


  The sun sometimes shone brightly upon the little round panes of theancient building, the Golden Cross, on the northern side of the square,which the people of Ratisbon call "on the moor"; sometimes it was veiledby gray clouds. A party of nobles, ecclesiastics, and knights belongingto the Emperor's train were just coming out. The spring breeze bangedbehind them the door of the little entrance for pedestrians close besidethe large main gateway.

  The courtiers and ladies who were in the chapel at the right of thecorridor started. "April weather!" growled the corporal of the ImperialHalberdiers to the comrade with whom he was keeping; guard at the footof the staircase leading to the apartments of Charles V, in the secondstory of the huge old house.

  "St. Peter's day," replied the other, a Catalonian. "At my home freshstrawberries are now growing in the open air and roses are blooming inthe gardens. Take it all in all, it's better to be dead in Barcelonathan alive in this accursed land of heretics!"

  "Come, come," replied the other, "life is life! 'A live dog is betterthan a dead king,' says a proverb in my country."

  "And it is right, too," replied the Spaniard. "But ever since we camehere our master's face looks as if imperial life didn't taste exactlylike mulled wine, either."

  The Netherlander lowered his halberd and answered his companion's wordsfirst with a heavy sigh, and then with the remark: "Bad weather upstairsas well as down--the very worst! I've been in the service thirteenyears, but I never saw him like this, not even after the defeat inAlgiers. That means we must keep a good lookout. Present halberds! Someone is coming down."

  Both quickly assumed a more erect attitude, but the Spaniard whisperedto his comrade: "It isn't he. His step hasn't sounded like that sincethe gout--"

  "Quijada!" whispered the Netherlander, and both he and the man fromBarcelona presented halberds with true military bearing; but the stavesof their descending weapons soon struck the flags of the pavement again,for a woman's voice had detained the man whom the soldiers intended tosalute, and in his place two slender lads rushed down the steps.

  The yellow velvet garments, with ash-gray facings, and cap of the samematerial in the same colours, were very becoming to these youths--theEmperor's pages--and, though the first two were sons of German andItalian counts, and the third who followed them was a Holland baron, thesentinels took little more notice of them than of Queen Mary's pointersfollowing swiftly at their heels.

  "Of those up there," observed the halberdier from Haarlem under hisbreath, "a man would most willingly stiffen his back for Quijada."

  "Except their Majesties, of course," added the Catalonian with dignity.

  "Of course," the other repeated. "Besides, the Emperor Charles himselfbestows every honour on Don Luis. I was in Algiers at the time. Ahundred more like him would have made matters different, I can tell you.If it beseemed an insignificant fellow like me, I should like to ask whyhis Majesty took him from the army and placed him among the courtiers."

  Here he stopped abruptly, for, in spite of the gaily dressed nobles andladies, priests, knights, and attendants who were passing up and downthe corridor, he had heard footsteps on the stairs which must bethose of men in high position. He was not mistaken--one was no lessa personage than the younger Granvelle, the Bishop of Arras, who,notwithstanding his nine-and-twenty years, was already the favouritecounsellor of Charles V; the other, a man considerably his senior, Dr.Mathys, of Bruges, the Emperor's physician.

  The bishop was followed by a secretary clad in black, with a portfoliounder his arm; the leech, by an elderly assistant.

  The fine features of the Bishop of Arras, which revealed a naturecapable of laughter and enjoyment, now looked as grave as hiscompanion's--a fact which by no means escaped the notice of thecourtiers in the corridor, but no one ventured to approach them witha question, although--it had begun to rain again--they stopped beforegoing out of doors and stood talking together in low tones.

  Many would gladly have caught part of their conversation, but no onedared to move nearer, and the Southerners and Germans among them did notunderstand the Flemish which they spoke.

  Not until after the leech had raised his tall, pointed hat and thestatesman had pressed his prelate's cap closer upon his short, wavy darkhair and drawn his sable-trimmed velvet cloak around him did severalcourtiers hasten forward with officious zeal to open the little sidedoor for them.

  Something must be going wrong upstairs.

  Dr. Mathys's jovial face wore a very different expression when hisimperial patient was doing well, and Granvelle always bestowed afriendly nod on one and another if he himself had cause to be content.

  When the door had closed behind the pair, the tongues of theecclesiastics, the secular lords, and the ladies in the corridorwere again loosed; but there were no loud discussions in the variouslanguages now mingling in the Golden Cross, far less was a gayexclamation or a peal of laughter heard from any of the groups who stoodwaiting for the shower to cease.

  Although each individual was concerned about his own affairs, onethought, nevertheless, ruled them all--the Emperor Charles, his health,and his decisions. Upon them depended not only the destiny of the world,but also the weal and woe of the greatest as well as the humblest ofthose assembled here.

  "Emperor Charles" was the spell by which the inhabitants of half theworld obtained prosperity or ill-luck, war or peace, fulfilment ordenial of the wishes which most deeply stirred their souls. Even thehighest in the land, who expected from his justice or favour freshgood-fortune or the averting of impending disasters, found their wayto him wherever, on his long and numerous journeys, he established hiscourt.

  Numerous petitioners had also flocked to Ratisbon, but the two greatnobles who now entered the Golden Cross certainly did not belong totheir number. One shook the raindrops from his richly embroidered velvetcloak and the plumes in his cap, the other from his steel helmet andsuit of Milan mail, inlaid with gold. Chamberlain de Praet accosted theformer, Duke Peter of Columna, in Italian; the latter, the Landgrave ofLeuchtenberg, in a mixture of German and his Flemish native tongue. Hehad no occasion to say much, for the Emperor wished to be alone. He hadordered even crowned heads and ambassadors to be denied admittance.

  The Duke of Columna gaily begged for a dry shelter until the showerwas over, but the Landgrave requested to be announced to the Queen ofHungary.

  The latter, however, had also declined to grant any audiences thatafternoon. The royal lady, the Emperor's favourite sister, was inher own room, adjoining her imperial brother's, talking with Don LuisQuijada, the brave nobleman of whom the Spanish and the Netherlandsoldiers had spoken with equal warmth.

  His personal appearance rendered it an easy matter to believe in thesincerity of their words, for the carriage of his slender, vigorousform revealed all the pride of the Castilian noble. His face, with itsclosely cut pointed beard, was the countenance of a true warrior, andthe expression of his black eyes showed the valiant spirit of a loyal,kind, and simple heart.

  The warm confidence with which Mary, the widow of the King of Hungary,who fell in the Turkish war, gazed into Quijada's finely modelled,slightly bronzed countenance proved that she knew how to estimate hisworth aright. She had sent for him to open her whole heart.

  The vivacious woman, a passionate lover of the chase, found life inRatisbon unendurable. She would have left the city long ago to performher duties in the Netherlands--which she ruled as regent in the nameof her imperial brother--and devote herself to hunting, to her heart'scontent, if the condition of the m
onarch's health had not detained hernear him.

  She pitied Charles because she loved him, yet she was weary of playingthe sick nurse.

  She had just indignantly informed Quijada what an immense burden ofwork, in spite of the pangs of the gout, her suffering brother hadimposed upon himself ever since the first cock-crow. But he would takeno better care of himself, and therefore it was difficult to help him.Was it not utterly unprecedented? Directly after mass he had examineddozens of papers, made notes on the margins, and affixed his signature;then he received Father Pedro de Soto, his confessor, the nuncio, theEnglish and the Venetian ambassadors; and, lastly, had an interview withyoung Granvelle, the Bishop of Arras, which had continued three fullhours, and perhaps might be going on still had not Dr. Mathys, theleech, put an end to it.

  Queen Mary had just found him utterly exhausted, with his face buried inhis hands.

  "And you, too," she added in conclusion, "can not help admitting that ifthis state of things continues there must be an evil end."

  Quijada bent his head in assent, and then answered modestly:

  "Yet your Majesty knows our royal master's nature. He will listen calmlyto you, whom he loves, or to me, who was permitted to remain at his sideas a page, or probably to the two Granvelles, Malfalconnet, and otherswhom he trusts, when they venture to warn him--"

  "And yet keep on in his mad career," interrupted Queen Mary with anangry gesture of the hand.

  "Plus ultra--more, farther--is his motto," observed Quijada in a tone ofjustification.

  "Forward ceaselessly, for aught I care, so long as the stomach and thefeet are sound!" replied the Queen, raising her hand to the high laceruff, which oppressed the breathing of one so accustomed to the outdoorair. "But when, like him, a man must give up deer-stalking and at everymovement makes a wry face and can scarcely repress a groan--it mightmove a stone to pity!--he ought to choose another motto. Persuade him todo so, Quijada, if you are really his friend."

  The smile with which the nobleman listened to this request plainlyshowed the futility of the demand.

  The Queen noticed it, threw her arm aloft as if she were hurling ahunting spear, and exclaimed "I'm not easily deceived, Luis. Whether youcould or not, the will is lacking. You shun the attempt! Because you areyoung yourself, and can still cope with the bear and wild boar, you likethe motto, which will probably lead to new wars, and thereby tofresh renown. But, alas! my poor, poor brother, who--how long ago itis!--could once have thrown even you upon the sand, what can he do, withthis accursed gout? And besides, what more can the Emperor Charles gain,since there is no chance of obtaining the sovereignty of the world, ofwhich he once dreamed? He must learn to be content! Surely at his age!It is easy to calculate, for his life began with the century, and thisis its forty-sixth year. Of course, with you soldiers the years ofwarfare count double, and he--Duke Alba said so--was born a general. Oneneed not be able to reckon far in order to number how many months he hasspent in complete peace. And then he attained his majority at fifteen,and with what weighty cares the man of the 'plus ultra' has loaded hisshoulders since that time! You, and many others at the court, had stillmore to do, but, Luis, one thing, and it is the hardest burden, you wereall spared. I know it. It is called responsibility. Compared withthis all others are mere fluttering feathers. Its weight may becomeunendurable when the weal and woe of half the world are at stake. Thusevery year of government was equal to three of war; but you, Luis--thequestion is allowable when put to a man-how old are you?"

  "Within a few months of forty."

  "So young!" cried the Queen. "Yet, when one looks at you closely, yourappearance corresponds with your years."

  Quijada pointed to the gray locks on his temples, but the Queen eagerlycontinued:

  "I noticed that at Brussels. And do you know what gave you those fewwhite hairs? Simply the responsibility that so cruelly shortened theEmperor's youth, and which at least grazes you. As I saw him to-day,Luis, many a man of sixty has a more vigorous appearance."

  "And yet, if your Majesty will permit me to say so," Quijada repliedwith a low bow, "he may be in a very different condition to-morrow. Iheard Dr. Mathys himself remark that the life of a gouty patient waslike a showery day in July--gloomy enough while the thunder-storm wasraging, but radiant before and afterward until the clouds rose again.Surely your Majesty remembers how erect, how vigorous, and how knightlyhis bearing was when he greeted you on your arrival. The happiness ofhaving his beloved sister again restored his paralyzed buoyancy speedilyenough, although just at present there is certainly no lack of carespressing upon him, and notwithstanding the disastrous conditions whichwe found existing among the godless populace here. That this cruelresponsibility, however, can mature the mind without harming the bodyyour Majesty is a living example."

  "Nonsense!" retorted the regent in protest. "From you, at least, Iforbid idle flattery!"

  As she spoke she pointed with the riding whip, which, on account of herfour-footed favourites, she carried in her hand, to her own hair. True,so far as it was visible under the stiff jewelled velvet cap whichcovered her head, the fair tresses had a lustrous sheen, and the braids,interwoven with pearls, were unusually thick, but a few silver threadsappeared amid the locks which clustered around the intellectual brow.

  Quijada saw them, and, with a respectful bow, answered.

  "The heavy burden of anxiety for the Netherlands, which is not alwaysrewarded with fitting gratitude."

  "Oh, no," replied the Queen, shrugging her shoulders contemptuously."Yes, many things in Brussels rouse my indignation, but they do not turnmy hair gray. It began to whiten up here, under the widow's cap, ifyou care to know it, and, if the Emperor's health does not improve, thelocks there will soon look like my white Diana's."

  Here she hesitated, and, accustomed both in the discharge of the dutiesof her office and during the chase not to deviate too far from the goalshe had in view, she first gave her favourite dog, which had leaped onDon Luis in friendly greeting, a blow with her whip, and then said in atotally different tone:

  "But I am not the person in question. You have already heard that youmust help me, Luis. Did you see the Emperor yesterday after vespers?"

  "I had the honour, your Majesty."

  "And did not the conviction that he is in evil case force itself uponyou?"

  "I felt it so keenly that I spoke to Dr. Mathys of his feebleappearance, his bowed figure, and the other things which I would sogladly have seen otherwise."

  "And these things? Speak frankly!"

  "These things," replied the major-domo, after a brief hesitation, "arethe melancholy moods to which his Majesty often resigns himself forhours."

  "And which remind you of Queen Juana, our unhappy mother?" asked theQueen with downcast eyes.

  "Remind is a word which your Majesty will permit me to disclaim,"replied Quijada resolutely. "The great thinker, who never loses sight ofthe most distant goal, who weighs and considers again and again erehe determines upon the only right course in each instance--the greatgeneral who understands how to make far-reaching plans for militarycampaigns as ably as to direct a cavalry attack--the statesman whosepenetration pierces deeper than the keen intelligence of his famouscouncillors--the wise law-giver, the ruler with the iron strength ofwill and unfailing memory, is perhaps the soundest person mentally amongall of us at court-nay, among the millions who obey him. But, so far asmy small share of knowledge extends, melancholy has nothing to do withthe mind. It is dependent upon the state of the spirits, and springsfrom bile----"

  "You learned that from Dr. Mathys," interrupted the royal lady, "and thequacks repeat it from their masters Hippocrates and Galen. Such parrotgabble does not please me. To my woman's reason, it seems rather thatwhen the mind is ill we should try a remedy whose effect upon it hasalready been proved, and I think I have found it."

  "I am still ignorant of it," replied Quijada eagerly; "but I would swearby my saint that you have hit upon the right expedient."

  "Listen, then, and
this time I believe you will have no cause to repentyour hasty oath. Since death robbed our sovereign lord of his wife,and the gout has prevented his enjoyment of the chief pleasures oflife--hunting, the tournament, and the other pastimes which people ofour rank usually pursue--in what can he find diversion? The masterpiecesof painters and other artists, the inventions of mechanicians andclock-makers, and the works of scholars have no place here, butprobably----"

  "Then it is the noble art of music which your Majesty has in view,"Quijada eagerly interrupted. "Admirable! For, since the days of KingSaul and the harper David----"

  "There is certainly no better remedy for melancholy," said the Queen,completing the exclamation of the loyal man. "But it could affect noone more favourably than the Emperor. You yourself know how keen aconnoisseur he is, and how often this has been confirmed by our greatestmasters. Need I remind you of the high mass in Cologne, at which themagnificent singing seemed fairly to reanimate him after the defectionof the heretical archbishop--which threatens to have a disastrousinfluence upon my Netherlanders also--had robbed him of the last remnantof his enjoyment of life, already clouded? The indignation aroused bythe German princes, and the difficult decision to which their conduct isforcing him, act upon his soul like poison. But hesitation is not inmy nature, so I thought: Let us have music--good, genuine music. ThenI sent a mounted messenger to order Gombert, the conductor of hisorchestra, and the director of my choir of boys, to bring theirmusicians to Ratisbon. The whole company will arrive this evening. Dashforward is my motto, and not only while in the saddle during the chase.But, Luis, you must now tell me--"

  "That your Majesty's sisterly affection has discovered the only rightcourse," cried Quijada, deeply touched, pressing his lips respectfullyto the flowing sleeve of her robe.

  The major--domo's assurance undoubtedly sprang from the depths of hisheart, yet the doubts which the hasty action of the vivacious sovereignaroused in his mind compelled him to represent to her, though with thecourteous caution which his position demanded, that her bold measuremight only too easily arouse the displeasure of the person whom it wasintended to benefit. The expense it would entail especially troubledQuijada, and the Queen herself appeared surprised when he estimated thesum which would be required for the transportation of the band and theboy choir from Brussels to Ratisbon and back again.

  Forty musicians, twelve boy singers, the leaders, and the paymaster mustbe moved, and in their train were numerous grooms and attendants, aswell as conveyances for the baggage and the valuable instruments.

  Besides, the question of accommodation for this large number in thealready crowded city now arose, for the Queen confessed that, in orderto make the surprise complete, no one had been commissioned to findlodgings.

  The musicians, who had displayed the most praiseworthy promptness, wouldarrive three days earlier than she had expected.

  The royal lady readily admitted that the utmost haste was necessary.Yet she knew that, if any one could accomplish the impossible, it wasQuijada, where the object in view was to serve her and the Emperor.

  The influence of this eulogy was doubled by a tender glance from herbright eyes, and the Spaniard promised to do everything in his power tosecure the success of her beautiful surprise. There would undoubtedlybe difficulties with his Majesty and the treasurer on the score of theexpense, for their finances were at the very lowest ebb.

  "There is always the same annoyance where money is concerned," cried theQueen irritably, "in spite of the vast sums which my Netherlands pourinto the treasury--four times as much as Spain supplies, including thegold and silver of the New World. You keep it secret, but two fifthsof the revenue from all the countries over which Charles reigns arecontributed by my provinces. Torrents of ducats inundate your treasury,and yet--yet--it's enough to drive one mad!--in spite of this and thelamentable parsimony with which the Emperor deprives himself of bothgreat and small pleasures--it is simply absurd!--the story is always:The finances are at the lowest ebb--save and save again. To protect theplumes in his new cap from being injured by the rain, the sovereignof half the world ordered an old hat to be brought, and waited in theshower until the shabby felt came. And where are the millions which thisexcellent economist saves from his personal expenses? The dragon Wardevours them all. True, he has vanquished foes enough, but the demon ofmelancholy, that makes even Dr. Mathys anxious, is far worse than theinfidels before whom you were compelled to retreat in Algiers--far moreterrible than the Turks and heretics combined. Yet what are you andthe wise treasurer doing? The idea of lessening the salaries of thephysician-in-ordinary and his colleagues has never entered the headsof the estimable gentlemen who call themselves his Majesty's faithfulservants. Very well! Then put the musicians' travelling expenses uponthe apothecary's bill. They have as much right to be there as the sennaleaves. But, if the penny pinchers in the council of finance refuse toadvance the necessary funds, why--charge this medicine to my account.I'll pay for it, in spite of the numerous leeches that suck mysubstance."

  "It certainly will not come to that, your Majesty," replied Quijadasoothingly. "Our sovereign lord knows, too, that it beseems him to beless rigid in saving. Only yesterday he dipped into his purse deeplyenough for another remedy."

  "What was that?" asked the Queen in surprise.

  "He paid the debts of my colleague Malfalconnet, not less than tenthousand ducats."

  "There it is!" exclaimed the regent, striking her hands sharplytogether. "The baron dispels the Emperor's melancholy by his ready wit,which often hits the nail on the head, and his nimble tongue, but mymedicine must provide the fitting mood for Malfalconnet's dearly boughtjests and witticisms to exert the proper influence."

  "And, moreover," Quijada added gaily, "your Majesty will present thecompleted deed for the treasurer's action. But now I most humbly entreatyou to dismiss me. I must inform the quartermasters at once, and lookafter the matter myself if your Majesty's costly magic pills are not tobe spoiled by this wet April weather. Besides, many of the musicians arenot the strongest of men."

  Bowing as he spoke, he prepared to take leave of the Queen, but shedetained him with the remark:

  "Our invitation went to Sir Wolf Hartschwert also. He is a native ofRatisbon, and can aid you and the quartermasters in assigning lodgings."

  "A fresh proof of the wise caution of my august mistress," repliedQuijada. "If your Majesty will permit, I should like to talk with myroyal patroness about this man shortly. I have something in my mindconcerning him which can not be easily explained in a few words,especially as I know that the modest, trustworthy fellow----"

  "If what you have in view is for his benefit," the Queen eagerlyinterrupted, "it is granted in advance."

  The promise reached Quijada just as he gained the threshold; ere hecrossed it, Queen Mary called to him again, saying frankly: "I will notlet you go so, Luis! You are an honest man, and I am ashamed to deceiveyou. The cure of his Majesty's melancholy is my principal object, it istrue, but one half the expense of this medicine ought to be creditedto me; for--but do not tell the treasurer--for it will afford me reliefalso. I can endure these rooms no longer. The forest is putting forthits first green leafage. The birds are returning. Red deer are plenty inthe woods along the Danube. I must get out of doors into the open air.As matters are now, I could not leave his Majesty; but when the bandand the boy choir are at his disposal, they will dispel his melancholymoods, and I can venture later to leave him to you and Malfalconnet,whose wit will be freshly seasoned by the payment of his debts. O Luis!if only I can get out of doors! Meanwhile, may music do for my imperialbrother what we anticipate! And one thing more: Take Master Adrian withyou. I released him from attendance upon the Emperor until midnight. Itwas no easy matter. When you have provided the favourites of Apollowith lodgings, come to me again, however late the hour may be. Sir WolfHartschwert must call early to-morrow morning. The nuncio brought somenew songs from Rome. The music is too high for my voice, and the knightunderstands how to transpose the notes for me be
tter than even theleader of the choir, Appenzelder."